3 Warning Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

At the very back of the mouth you will find the third molars, also called the wisdom teeth, and despite their friendly-sounding name, wisdom teeth are notorious for causing pain and potentially dangerous dental complications. For this reason, most dentists recommend performing wisdom teeth removal before they can cause discomfort or other problems.

Not everyone has undergone wisdom teeth removal, so knowing the potential of dangerously impacted wisdom teeth is important; they could damage adjacent teeth, infection and abscessed, gum disease or tooth decay and even cause cysts to develop. While there are not always noticeable signs of impacted wisdom teeth, these are a few of the warning symptoms that could indicate the need for dental intervention:

  1. Jaw Pain - The discomfort from impacted wisdom teeth can lead to pain through the jaw and into the skull, often resulting in terrible headaches. The pain could be more intense while chewing, especially if the pain shoots to the back of the mouth or into nearby teeth.The jaw pain could also lead to swelling of the entire jaw area. This can indicate an especially dangerous impaction, as the tooth may be causing infection. A visibly swollen jaw line is a definitive way to tell that something is wrong with the tooth.
  2. Sore or Bleeding Gums -Because jaw and tooth pain often extend throughout the general area of the wisdom teeth, the gums can also be affected. Sore or bleeding gums, especially when the bleeding occurs with very little provocation, is a sign that there is a big problem with a tooth. Tenderness and swollen gums in the back of the mouth generally indicate that the problem is in the wisdom teeth area.
  3. Bad Tastes and Smells - When wisdom teeth are impacted, bacteria often becomes trapped in the soft folds of the teeth and gums, often leading to infection. These infections can fester, potentially leading to cysts and decay. This condition is known as pericornitis. A person experiencing pericornitis will notice a bad taste in his or her mouth, even while eating food. In addition, it can lead to exceptionally bad breath that may be noticed by other people.
Certainly this is not an all-inclusive list of symptoms caused by wisdom teeth. If you are experiencing anything unusual in your mouth it is important to visit your dentists office right away.

Because impacted wisdom teeth can cause many complications, it is important that these warning signs be taken very seriously. Allowing the damage to continue without dental intervention can be very dangerous to your overall health, so an appointment with your dentist must be scheduled as soon as any of these potential symptoms are observed.

Dental Associates of Grand Junction is a family oriented dental practice in Grand Junction, Colorado. Our dental office has been providing routine dental care in the Grand Valley since 1923. If you are experiencing problems with your wisdom teeth or have any other dental concerns please feel free to contact Dr. Gaglione or Dr. Scott at Dental Associates of Grand Junction.